A Clear Calendar???

Welcome Back!

Would you believe that after all those celebrations, we have a clear calendar this week? What a gift here at the end of the 2nd trimester!

Mon. 19th: No School: President’s Day

Tues. 20th: PE

Wed. 21st: Library

Thurs. 22nd: PE

Fri. 23rd: Just a great day at school.

Looking ahead into March the kids and I will be doing a unit on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) which will come together with an at home project of a leprechaun trap! It is great fun near St. Patrick’s Day when those all come in! Date TBD as I need to clear with the office which day we can have all that fun! This is also a good time to start collecting for us any craft odds and ends that we will use for a “Makers Space” in the Spring. It is always fun to see what buttons and recycling and bits and pieces all turn into. These items could be from your stash, grandma’s or the dollar store.

Thank you for all that you do for the Kinder! They are a wonderful bunch that brings me great joy!


Ms. Lenz