Happy Summer Days! 

Graduating and Incoming TK Families

2022 Graduating TK Class

I am so proud of each student and you will always have a special place in my heart!  I had a wonderful time celebrating all your accomplishments at the TK promotion! You are now ready to thrive in Kindergarten. Just a few things you accomplished this school year:  You can identify uppercase and lowercase letters and sounds, numbers 1-20, and have developed a good foundation of number sense. You can write your name and some of you can even write your last name with line awareness.

You're not only academically ready for KInder but you are also socially and emotionally ready to soar with confidence. Next year share your love for learning and kindness of others with your Kindergarten classmates! Please go to Mrs. Lenz classroom homepage, you will find the Summer Work Packet (required for incoming Kinders) and School Supply List.


Incoming TK Students this Fall

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you this coming school year!

You can find the TK Summer Work Packet and Supply List on the bottom of this page.  

Here are some tips to help you prepare your child for TK:

  • Help develop independence and focus on self-help skills. Students need to be able to use the bathroom independently in TK. Encourage your child to dress themselves, use the bathroom without assistance and wash hands, and put on their own shoes. Be sure to assure them that it is OK to ask for help when necessary.

  • Teach responsibility. Start transferring small responsibilities over to your child, if you haven’t already. After a family trip to the pool, you might put your child in charge of emptying the backpack, refilling the water bottles, or hanging up his/her wet swimsuit. Even when it may be easier for you to complete these tasks, let them accept the responsibility.

  • Develop and follow routines. A couple weeks before school starts, set up morning routines that will transfer into a school setting. Getting up around the same time every day, getting dressed, and having an early breakfast together is a great way to transition to school.

  • Read aloud to your child. Get your child a library card, take her to the library to check out books, and be sure to read to your child every day. Read a variety of books, read the captions under pictures in the newspaper, even share the comics. Just read!

  • Play school at home. Encourage them to be the “teacher” with their stuffed animals. Think of a fun way to say good-bye and hello, maybe a secret handshake to do when you drop off and pick up. Above all, be enthusiastic about the upcoming school year. 

Wishing everyone a fun, relaxing, and joyous summer.

God Bless,

Mrs. Enright